Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Tip .... Thursday

How do I introduce our new baby to our dog(s)?

Congratulations on your new addition to the family. Introducing your four legged to your two legged will require some work prior babies arrival as well as much after.

Welcoming a new baby is exciting for your family. Remember when you first brought home your dog or cat? But before you bring your baby home from the hospital, have your partner or friend take home something with the baby's scent (such as a blanket) for your pet to investigate.

When you return from the hospital, your pet may be eager to greet you and receive your attention. Have someone else take the baby into another room while you give your pet a warm, but calm, welcome. Keep some treats handy so you can distract your pet.

After the initial greeting, you can bring your pet with you to sit next to the baby; reward your pet with treats for appropriate behavior. Remember, you want your pet to view associating with the baby as a positive experience. To prevent anxiety or injury, never force your pet to get near the baby, and always supervise any interaction.

Life will no doubt be hectic caring for your new baby, but try to maintain regular routines as much as possible to help your pet adjust. And be sure to spend one-on-one quality time with your pet each day—it may help relax you, too. With proper training, supervision, and adjustments, you, your new baby, and your pet should be able to live together safely and happily as one (now larger) family.

I would strongly recommend prior to your new babies arrival, you look into other options to keep your pet mentally and physically stimulated. Doggy daycare is a great option for those well rounded, social dogs. This will help curb their excessive energy and give them an opportunity to be a dog and run free and away from whinny babies....

Also, look to enroll in an obedience class to spend some quality time with your pet after your new babies arrival.

Dog Responsibly... don't shove the four legged onto the back burner.

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