Monday, December 27, 2010

Committed Dog Breeders

This video sent me to mental state of meditation.... she is who I would inspire to be; if I ever was to become a breeder.

I have never met a breeder like her, who is so committed to her choice of breed, her dogs, their welfare, well being, up bringing and their future. If only every breeder took this much care into their breeding programs... we would be in a better place.

It is long, but definitely worthy of watching. She is incredible, it makes me want one of her Bearded Collies!

If you have the time go through the breeder's website, it is awesome! I especially loved reading the names of each of her dogs.... there were some really cool ones, my favorite being Blodyn! So British! I love that name.

Brambledale Bearded Collies from Lynne Sharpe on Vimeo.

Dogging Responsibly is Brambledale Bearded Collies.

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