Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Get to Know a Dog Day: Past Presidents and their Pooches

We decided to put a different spin on today's Get To Know a Dog Day. Since there has been a lot of talk lately about Joe Biden's new dog (which he bought from a puppy mill) and also about Barrack Obama getting a new pooch, we thought you might enjoy getting to know some of our past presidents' canine companions.  

So without any further some of our most memorable presidential canines. 

FDR takes a drive with Fala (Photo courtesy of Getty)

Richard Nixon and Checkers (Photo courtesy of Getty)

President Johnson holds his dog Her by the ears. To the left of Her is his other dog Him.

Bill Clinton and his dog Buddy

To view the entire slideshow on past presidents and their pooches, click here.

What's your take on VP Joe Biden buying his dog from a puppy mill instead of adopting? Let us know in the comments section!

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