Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tear Staining... Ask the expert


Question: I have a 3 year old Cocker Spaniel and am concerned about his tear staining. I have read the pros and cons regarding Angel Eyes, and I don’t know what to do. Is the staining caused by a bacteria or yeast infection and should he get antibiotics? I don’t want to do anything that would hurt him, but I sure would like to clear up the problem.

Answer: Usually antibiotics or other medications are not necessary to treat tear stains. It is important to determine if there is an underlying eye problem that may be causing the problem before beginning any tear stain treatment plan. Many times eyelid or eyelash abnormalities can be fixed or the tear ducts flushed and the problem resolves naturally.

Normally, tears flow over the surface of the eye and into the tear duct in the corner of the eyelids. Common problems that can cause tear staining include:

• Excess tear production. For example, if the eye is experiencing irritation–from an allergy, foreign particle or an abnormal eyelid or eyelash–the eye tries to protect itself by producing more tears. The normal drainage system is overwhelmed and tears spill out and leads to stains.

• Abnormal eye drainage system. Cocker Spaniels commonly experience eyelid abnormalities (ectropion, entropion), eyelash problems or blockages of the tear ducts which can result in tears spilling out instead of draining properly. Any previous trauma or scarring of the eyelids can also block normal drainage. Some pets are just born with a defective drainage system.

Ask your veterinarian to take a look…good luck!
Dr. Donna Spector


Doglando and Groom Grub & Belly Rub, are Orlando's retailers of premium dog food. We’re committed to providing our customers with the knowledge, and the products they need to keep their canine companions happy, healthy and fit.

1 comment:

imaginarynumber said...

There are many food supplements that will stop tear staining without the need for antibiotics, such as

Angels Delight by Bichon Hotel

