Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

This is my most favorite day of the year. I love new years, because it refreshes me for a new start and new undertakings. Weeks before new years, I sit down and reflect on the past year, and all we have done and not done. My only resolution for the new year, every year, is to make it a better one that the last.

From the Doglando and Groom Grub & Belly Rub Family to Yours,

Thank you for your support, business and referrals through out the year. We look forward to growing, serving and enriching more doggy lives, but our main goal for this year is to found the Doglando Foundation, through which we will give back locally and globally (more on this down the road).

We wish everyone and their dogs's a safe, happy and very healthy new year.

Today we will live life playing hard, lots of slobber, wet shakes, flying sand and some soar fingers... and tomorrow we will do it all over again.

Happy New Year.


Doglando and Groom Grub & Belly Rub Staff.

1 comment:

Denise E.Z. said...

Hi Teena and Doglando Friends: I am dying to learn more about the Doglando Foundation! One of my biggest resolutions (not just for this year, but for life) is to volunteer AND give more to charity, AND be more involved with one of my biggest passions, which is DOGS. I can't wait to hear more and help! Happy New Year!!! Denise & Family