Hey everyone and welcome to our first
Get To Know A Dog Day! We are really excited about kicking this thing off and getting to know as many dogs as possible. Todays dog, Oreo, was submitted by one of our readers
@golden101. As you know, we LOVE
dogs here at the U of D, and nothing pleases us more than hearing great stories about our four legged friends, from their best friend/owner. So without much delay, meet our first dog.....OREO!
Oreo's Story:
We Flunked Fostering.
"When my friend emailed me that a puppy mill was shutting down and that they needed foster homes for over 80 dogs we agreed to foster one. The night finally arrived for us to go pick up our foster. She was so tiny and so sweet. Her name was Oreo and we fell in love with her immediately. She was very scared and just wanted to be held. We think that she had been kept in a kennel for a very long time because her back legs were not very developed.
We realized very soon that we had flunked at fostering and that we had to adopt her. She is so happy. She loves to be held and she loves to run. She has a little bed with a blanket in it and she keeps all of her treasures in her bed. She has brought so much joy to us and we are very glad that we flunked fostering."
Story told by Oreo's Owner: Kim Nesbitt

If you would like your dog to be featured on our next Get To Know A Dog Day, send your emails here.
- Teena
We can see why you fell in love with this cutie pie.
She's adorable!
What a great story.
Oreo is such a precious little dog. What a blessing you are to each other!
I couldn't agree more! Oreo is gorgeous and was super lucky to find such a great owner as Kim.
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