Today's U of D's Caught on Doggy Cam Dog is: Lilo

Lilo and her owner were caught educating the public to not impulsively buy dogs this holiday season, without fully understanding the commitment and work that goes into it. They were also helping inform the public that pure breeds can also be found through rescue organizations (as opposed to getting them through pet shops and breeders.) Lilo also happens to be a U of D alumni!
Whats your take on people's impulsiveness to buy dogs around the holidays? Let us know in the comment section!
Hi Teena and everybody! There is this image most people are familiar with: ...the children opening their gifts on Christmas day, and there, under the tree is a larger box that "won't keep still". Curious, they untie the pretty ribbons and a cute-cute puppy jumps out! I always wondered...(1) ar the kids to believe Santa Claus was "irresposible" enough to carry that poor puppy in that box for hours all around the globe all the way from the North Pole?...(2) I never believed it was feasible to have a puppy "wait quietly" in a gift box...puppies are energetic, and a puppy in a gift box that wats still is probably sick. Many people don't understand the committment a DOG is. Once, my sister who was then in high-school received a puppy from a former boyfriend! Can you believe this? Without asking my parents if they were ready to commit to yet another pup. Uff!
Looks like Belle! SO CUTE!
I was with Teena at the Waterford Town Ctr. Regal Theater with my 1 year old Yellow Lab Doglando Alumni who was the Marley impersonator. We had a great time talking to the movie goers and especially to the parents with young children about real life responsibilities, commitments and limitations that come with living with any dog. I just checked out the photos from the Marley & Me event that Teena posted on the U of D Events Photo Gallery Link. Everyone including Marley (AKA Kirby) look happy to be helping out the charitable cause for dog and cat rescue and adoption efforts!
Well I think all all of us can do, is do our best to educate potential pet shoppers of the commitment and responsibility.
I was there with Astrid and Lilo for the protest, and I was really dumbfounded that here we are with all these signs and stuff, people coming up to us to pet Lilo, asked us questions about her, where Astrid got her from etc... and then only to turn around and watch them walk into the pet shop.
Clearly when one's mind is made up, its made up... its the "some" that we do all this for.... the some that may change their mind.
And the best part is making friends like all of you who believe in us, support us in all we do and are always there to help us.
If you have not already seen the photos from Marley and Me, be sure to go check them out at then go the events gallery.
This past weekend, Sheila and Kirby (Doglando Grads) came out to help us promote the movie Marley and Me, as well as help educate people on lab ownership / doggie parenting. I was so impressed with Kirby and how well he did; most of all how much he enjoyed it.
This is was a great mentally stimulating experience for Kirby, he got to meet all kinds of people, children, and even a gentleman in an electric wheelchair.
Thanks Sheila and Kirby for volunteering your time, it was great fun for all of us.
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